Archive for category Video

Keynote Presenter

Media Credit: Brian Swanson

Dr. Mark S. Benn shines in the role of conference keynote presenter.  He has the rare ability to incorporate the three major elements of a successful conference kick-off or closing.  He is able to entertain, teach and motivate people with his humor, sense of timing and customized messages.

“Mark Benn is one of the most insightful, energetic, and humorous speakers that we have had on our campus.”
Gary Pierson, Director of Campus Life, Western State College

“Mark has an incredible ability for insight into another’s world: he’s able to understand and gain meaning from what appears sometimes as just simple conversation.  This, combined with his deep compassion and empathy for humans, makes him a most powerful trainer!”
Alma Vigo-Morales, Diversity Specialist, Agilent Technologies

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Mark S. Benn at the National Urban Fellows Conference Minneapolis January 2008

Dr. Mark Benn, a CSU professor of psychology, clutches his new book “Stories from the Couch, and Other Telling Tales,” a self-proclaimed “find yourself” piece, which was released in March.

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